Same day dispatch on orders before 3pm Monday - Thursday
How long can you keep NutriWorms?
2 years, use within 6 months of opening
How do you store NutriWorms?
Keep sealed and store in a cool dry place, out of direct sunlight
Where do you deliver?
UK delivery only
Who do you use for delivery?
We use DPD, however on occasion we may use a different carefully selected courier service
Where do our NutriWorms come from?
We have our own research facility and a production locations in Indonesia and the Netherlands
Are NutriWorms sustainable?
Yes, they are fed purely on organic material and monitored by Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority
What's the better choice, mealworms or NutriWorms?
NutriWorms, as Calci worms contain up to 50 times more calcium and have a higher nutrient content than Dried Mealworms, which is important contributing to an animals development, stronger bones and eggs